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Specialized Lab Testing: Food Allergy Panels

In the world of modern healthcare, advancements in diagnostic testing have revolutionized the way we understand and manage various medical conditions. Among these, specialized lab testing has emerged as a crucial tool in identifying and addressing food allergies. Two such comprehensive panels, the Food Allergy Panel IgG 96 and Food Allergy Panel IgG 184, have gained significant attention for their ability to provide valuable insights into individuals’ food sensitivities. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of these testing panels, highlighting their significance, methodology, and benefits.


Understanding Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Food allergies and sensitivities have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. These conditions occur when the immune system reacts abnormally to specific components present in certain foods. While immediate allergic reactions are well-known and often manifest as hives, swelling, or even anaphylaxis, delayed food sensitivities can be more challenging to identify. These sensitivities may lead to a range of symptoms such as digestive issues, fatigue, skin problems, and even mood disturbances.


The Role of Food Allergy Panels

Food allergy panels, such as the IgG 96 and IgG 184, play a crucial role in diagnosing delayed food sensitivities. Unlike traditional allergy tests that focus on IgE antibodies and immediate reactions, these panels measure IgG antibodies, which are associated with delayed responses. This distinction is vital as it helps uncover sensitivities that might not be evident through other testing methods.


Food Allergy Panel IgG 96

The Food Allergy Panel IgG 96 is a comprehensive test designed to analyze an individual’s immune response to a wide range of 96 different foods. By measuring IgG antibodies in the blood, this panel provides valuable insights into potential sensitivities. The test covers a diverse array of food groups, including dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables, and more. The results offer a detailed report indicating the levels of IgG antibodies detected for each tested food item.


Food Allergy Panel IgG 184

Taking the diagnostic capabilities further, the Food Allergy Panel IgG 184 expands the analysis to include an extensive list of 184 foods. This broader testing approach provides even more comprehensive insights into potential sensitivities. Individuals undergoing this test can gain a deeper understanding of their immune reactions to an extensive variety of foods, enabling them to make more informed dietary choices.



Both the Food Allergy Panel IgG 96 and IgG 184 utilize a simple blood draw to collect a sample from the patient. The collected blood is then analyzed for IgG antibody levels against the specific food antigens. The results are typically presented in a comprehensive report that categorizes foods based on the detected IgG antibody levels. These categories often include “Normal,” “Moderate Reactivity,” and “High Reactivity,” aiding individuals and healthcare practitioners in interpreting the results effectively.


Benefits and Considerations

Opting for the Food Allergy Panel IgG 96 or IgG 184 offers several benefits:


Comprehensive Insights: These panels provide a comprehensive overview of an individual’s potential sensitivities to a wide array of foods, enabling tailored dietary adjustments.
Personalized Approach: Armed with detailed information from the test results, individuals can adopt a personalized dietary approach that aligns with their specific sensitivities.
Symptom Management: Identifying and addressing food sensitivities can lead to alleviation of a range of symptoms, improving overall well-being.
Holistic Health: By understanding their body’s unique responses to various foods, individuals can take a proactive step towards achieving holistic health and wellness.


It’s important to note that while these panels offer valuable insights, they are best utilized as part of a comprehensive health assessment. Consulting a qualified healthcare professional is essential for accurate interpretation and integration of the test results into an individual’s overall health plan.

In the quest for optimal health and well-being, specialized lab testing has emerged as a valuable ally. The Food Allergy Panel IgG 96 and Food Allergy Panel IgG 184 stand out as robust tools in identifying delayed food sensitivities, offering individuals a deeper understanding of their unique dietary needs. As the field of healthcare continues to evolve, these testing panels exemplify the power of modern diagnostics in guiding individuals towards a path of improved vitality and quality of life.


Specialized Lab Testing is offered at Integrative Telemedicine. Our physicians will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your condition in order to determine which treatment might be best for you. They will explain your options so that you can make a decision you’re most comfortable with.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, call our friendly staff today at (520) 396-4866 or fill out our online request form. We look forward to being your healthcare partner.

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